Elon Musk's new Twitter pronoun rule invites bullying, LGBTQ groups say.


Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, has implemented a new policy that requires users to identify their pronouns. LGBTQ groups say that this policy could lead to bullying and harassment.

In a tweet, Musk said that the new policy is "necessary to make Twitter a more inclusive platform." However, LGBTQ groups say that the policy could be used to target and harass transgender and non-binary users.

"This policy is a dangerous and harmful step backwards for transgender and non-binary people," said Alphonso David, the president of the Human Rights Campaign. "It will make it easier for people to target and harass us, and it will make it harder for us to feel safe and welcome on Twitter."

Twitter has not yet responded to the concerns raised by LGBTQ groups.

Here are some of the concerns that have been raised about the new policy:

  • The policy could be used to target and harass transgender and non-binary users.
  • The policy could make it harder for transgender and non-binary users to feel safe and welcome on Twitter.
  • The policy could violate the privacy of transgender and non-binary users.

It is important to note that Twitter is a private company and has the right to set its own policies. However, it is also important to consider the impact that these policies can have on marginalized groups.

In the past, Twitter has taken steps to address harassment and bullying on its platform. In 2017, the company launched a new feature that allows users to report abusive tweets. Twitter has also banned users who have been found to have violated its harassment policy.

It remains to be seen how Twitter will enforce its new pronoun policy. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks that this policy could pose to transgender and non-binary users.


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